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org-depend.el – TODO dependencies for Org-mode

1. General

org-depend.el demonstrates a mechanism for creating TODO dependencies. Note that Org-mode does already have built-in local dependencies which are simpler and cover most of what one usually wants to do. However, the built-in implementation covers only the following two concepts:

  • blocking an entry from changing its state to DONE while it still has children that are not done, or checkboxes that are unchecked
  • blocking an entry from changing its state to DONE while it still has un-done siblings above it, in this way enforcing sequential work on the siblings

org-depend.el was originally a proof-of-concept implementation of TODO dependencies, using two special hooks, org-blocker-hook and org-trigger-hook. It remains in the distribution as an example on how more complex dependencies between entries can be implemented. In particular it shows how to implement the following:

  • Dependencies on remote entries identified by ID. These entries do not have to be near-by and may even be located in a different file.
  • The possibility to trigger actions in other entries.

2. What is implemented?

2.1. Triggering

  1. If an entry contains a TRIGGER property that contains the string chain-siblings(KEYWORD), then switching that entry to DONE does do the following:
    • The sibling following this entry switched to todo-state KEYWORD.
    • The sibling also gets a TRIGGER property chain-sibling(KEYWORD), property, to make sure that, when it is DONE, the chain will continue.
  2. If an entry contains a TRIGGER property that contains the string chain-siblings-scheduled, then switching that entry to DONE does the following actions, similarly to chain-siblings(KEYWORD):
    • The sibling receives the same scheduled time as the entry marked as DONE (or, in the case, in which there is no scheduled time, the sibling does not get any either).
    • The sibling also gets the same TRIGGER property chain-siblings-scheduled, so the chain can continue.
  3. If the TRIGGER property contains the string chain-find-next(KEYWORD[,OPTIONS]), then switching that entry to DONE do the following:

    • All siblings are of the entry are collected into a temporary list and then filtered and sorted according to OPTIONS
    • The first sibling on the list is changed into KEYWORD state
    • The sibling also gets the same TRIGGER property chain-find-next, so the chain can continue.

    OPTIONS should be a comma separated string without spaces, and can contain following options:

    • from-top the candidate list is all of the siblings in the current subtree
    • from-bottom candidate list are all siblings from bottom up
    • from-current candidate list are all siblings from current item until end of subtree, then wrapped around from first sibling
    • no-wrap candidate list are siblings from current one down
    • todo-only Only consider siblings that have a todo keyword
    • todo-and-done-only Same as above but also include done items.
    • priority-up sort by highest priority
    • priority-down sort by lowest priority
    • effort-up sort by highest effort
    • effort-down sort by lowest effort

    There is also customizable variable org-depend-find-next-options that contains default options if none are specified. Its default value is from-current,todo-only,priority-up

  4. If the TRIGGER property contains any other words like XYZ(KEYWORD), these are treated as entry IDs with keywords. That means, Org-mode will search for an entry with the ID property XYZ and switch that entry to KEYWORD as well.

2.2. Blocking

  1. If an entry contains a BLOCKER property that contains the word previous-sibling, the sibling above the current entry is checked when you try to mark it DONE. If it is still in a TODO state, the current state change is blocked.
  2. If the BLOCKER property contains any other words, these are treated as entry IDs. That means, Org-mode will search for an entry with the ID property exactly equal to this word. If any of these entries is not yet marked DONE, the current state change will be blocked.
  3. Whenever a state change is blocked, an org-mark is pushed, so that you can find the offending entry with C-c &.

3. Example

When trying this example, make sure that the settings for TODO keywords have been activated, i.e. include the following line and press C-c C-c on the line before working with the example:


OK, here is the example.

* TODO Win a million in Las Vegas
      :ID: I-cannot-do-it-without-money

    The "third" TODO (see above) cannot become a TODO without this money.

* Do this by doing a chain of TODOs
** NEXT This is the first in this chain
       :TRIGGER: chain-siblings(NEXT)

** This is the second in this chain

** This is the third in this chain
       :BLOCKER: I-cannot-do-it-without-money

** This is the forth in this chain
       :TRIGGER: XYZ-is-my-id(TODO)

     When this is DONE, we will also trigger entry XYZ-is-my-id

** This is the fifth in this chain

* Start writing report
       :ID: XYZ-is-my-id

4. Advanced Triggerring Example

In advanced example we will add a hook to automatically insert chain-find-next TRIGGER when entry is changed to NEXT and automatically remove it otherwise.

First evaluate the following lisp code:

(defun mm/org-insert-trigger ()
  "Automatically insert chain-find-next trigger when entry becomes NEXT"
  (cond ((equal org-state "NEXT")
         (unless org-depend-doing-chain-find-next
           (org-set-property "TRIGGER" "chain-find-next(NEXT,from-current,priority-up,effort-down)")))
        ((not (member org-state org-done-keywords))
         (org-delete-property "TRIGGER"))))

(add-hook 'org-after-todo-state-change-hook 'mm/org-insert-trigger)

Now in the following org file, try changing item TODO state to NEXT. You should see properties drawer appear with the TRIGGER property inside.

Try marking the NEXT item DONE. The next item should automatically become NEXT.

Change priority of one of the items to [#A], then mark the NEXT item DONE. The highest priority item will automatically become NEXT.


* Auto-NEXT example
** TODO Make me NEXT, then mark me DONE
** TODO Second item
** TODO Third item
** Plain item
** TODO Change my priority

5. Usage Examples

Here is a blog article that shows the usage of org-depend in combination with yasnipet or yankpad.

An advanced workflow with dependencies is auto-generated from a template snippet using the BLOCKER and TRIGGER keywords.

Some of those things were demonstrated in an Emacs Chat by Sacha Chua with Karl Voit.

The blog article further discusses some ideas on how to improve the org-depend functionality with an ID picker, a mnemonic ID auto-generator, a workflow assistent, advanced TRIGGER commands to add scheduled dates, and inheritance of todo-cancelation.

Documentation from the website (either in its HTML format or in its Org format) is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License version 1.3 or later. The code examples and css stylesheets are licensed under the GNU General Public License v3 or later.