Org-babel support for building R packages
Document Purpose
This document contains
- tools useful for writing R extensions called packages
- source code to create a simple R package.
R packages
- The R language and environment for statistical computation and graphics has a powerful system for developing and distributing software enhancements and datasets called packages.
- A vast archive of such packages —called CRAN — is available.
- Users can create their own packages by following instructions in Writing R Extensions.
Some notes on this document and org-babel
- This document provides tools for R package development using org-mode.
- There are two somewhat contrary philosophies about how R packages are
managed using
.- One camp holds that all of the code for a package should be kept
in one master
document, which when tangled produces the source directory files needed. The.org
document also holds notes, utility functions, navigation tools, and code snippets. A very simple R package is included below, and it can be checked, installed, and run from this.org
document. - The other camp leaves the
code and other package files in the package directory subfolders and edits them there. - The tools shown here support either approach.
- One camp holds that all of the code for a package should be kept
in one master
- Some introductory tips at ob-doc-R show how to enable full editing support for R code with ESS (http://ess.r-project.org/).
- This document is to be put in the top level source directory of an R
package (i.e. at the same level as the DESCRIPTION file). To try it
out using the built in package, create a fresh diretory named
and just put it there. - version control blocks here use svn calls, and you may need to replace these with your own.
#+begin_src sh ... #+end_src
shell blocks work on systems that support unix-like shells. On Windows systems these blocks would likely need to be changed.
Typical Workflow
- Download the
version of this document - Create a package directory (naming it like the package is convenient)
- Copy the
version of this document into that directory - Move point to the
set up .Rbuildignore
headline and execute it (see 1) - Create some package files, or create src blocks as outlined in
this document and run
to create the package files. - Repeat these steps:
- Once the package is ready, build it or INSTALL it to a permanent location
- Copy the
1. moving point to the corresponding headline, then typing 'C-c C-v C-s y' or 'M-x org-babel-execute-subtree' will execute each tool.
R procedures
check package
- Environment variables like these may be added in the next src block:
export R_LIBS=Rlib
export R_ARCH=x86_64
CWD=`pwd` cd ..; R CMD check $CWD | sed 's/^*/ */'
#+begin_src sh :results output CWD=`pwd` cd ..; R CMD check $CWD | sed 's/^*/ */' #+end_src
INSTALL package
- customize the
variable, possibly "rckopts=" - Variables may be also added next src block
export R_ARCH=x86_64
CWD=`pwd` cd ..; R CMD INSTALL $rckopts $CWD
#+begin_src sh :results output :var rckopts="--library=./Rlib" CWD=`pwd` cd ..; R CMD INSTALL $rckopts $CWD #+end_src
build package
CWD=`pwd` cd ..; R CMD build $CWD
#+begin_src sh :results output CWD=`pwd` cd ..; R CMD build $CWD #+end_src
help pages
- The src block adds enough asterisks to the line listing each filename to turn it into a headline at the next level down. This is helpful if you have a lot of help pages and want to fold them up for browsing.
linestart <- paste( c( "\n", rep('*', hdlev+1 ) ), collapse='') rd.files <- Sys.glob("man/*.Rd") for ( ird in rd.files ){ hlp.txt <- capture.output(tools:::Rd2txt( ird ) ) hlp.txt <- gsub( "_\b","", hlp.txt) headline <- paste( linestart, ird ,'\n' ) cat( headline, hlp.txt , sep='\n') }
#+begin_src R :results output :var hdlev=(car (org-heading-components)) linestart <- paste( c( "\n", rep('*', hdlev+1 ) ), collapse='') rd.files <- Sys.glob("man/*.Rd") for ( ird in rd.files ){ hlp.txt <- capture.output(tools:::Rd2txt( ird ) ) hlp.txt <- gsub( "_\b","", hlp.txt) headline <- paste( linestart, ird ,'\n' ) cat( headline, hlp.txt , sep='\n') } #+end_src
load library
## customize the next line as needed: .libPaths(new = file.path(getwd(),"Rlib") ) require( basename(libname), character.only=TRUE)
- this loads the library into an R session
- customize or delete the
line as desired
#+begin_src R :session :var libname=(file-name-directory buffer-file-name) .libPaths(new = file.path(getwd(),"Rlib") ) require( basename(libname), character.only=TRUE) #+end_src
grep require(
- if you keep all your source code in this
document, then you do not need to do this - instead just typeC-s require(
- list package dependencies that might need to be dealt with
grep 'require(' R/*
#+begin_src sh :results output grep 'require(' R/* #+end_src
set up .Rbuildignore and man, R, and Rlib directories
- This document sits in the top level source directory. So, ignore it and its offspring when checking, installing and building.
- List all files to ignore under
#+results: rbi
(including this one!). Regular expressions are allowed. - Rlib is optional. If you want to INSTALL in the system directory, you won't need it.
#+results: rbi #+results: rbi Rpackage.*
Only need to run this once (unless you add more ignorable files).
#+begin_src R :results output silent :var rbld=rbi cat(rbld,'\n', file=".Rbuildignore") dir.create("man") dir.create("R") dir.create("../Rlib") #+end_src
#+begin_src R :results output silent :var rbld=rbi cat(rbld,'\n', file=".Rbuildignore") dir.create("man") dir.create("R") dir.create("../Rlib") #+end_src
Project Specific Entries
Package specific notes and blocks go here. It is a good idea to have several second level headlines — possibly including the package code — to group things by topic/idea, then a third level headline for almost every src block and TODO item.
Example: The countRows package
- This example illustrates how to use the
document as the source code master. By navigating to theINSTALL package
headline and enteringC-c C-v C-s y
, the INSTALL command is run. Likewise forcheck package
,help pages
, and the other tools. - The
package implements a simple, but quick way to count the rows of adata.frame
. It is akin tosort | uniq -c
in a Unix-alike shell. - The package is based on a function that was posted in this reply to a query on the R-help list.
- The DESCRIPTION file is obligatory
- It follows Debian Control File format.
- Required and optional fields are described in Writing R Extensions.
Package: countRows Type: Package Title: Count Rows of a data.frame Version: 1.0 Date: 2010-12-08 Author: Charles C. Berry Maintainer: Charles Berry <cberry@tajo.ucsd.edu> Description: One of many ways to count the rows of a data.frame. Akin to 'sort | uniq -c' shell command License: GPL-3 LazyLoad: yes
#+begin_src sh :results silent :tangle DESCRIPTION :eval nil Package: countRows Type: Package Title: Count Rows of a data.frame Version: 1.0 Date: 2010-12-08 Author: Charles C. Berry Maintainer: Charles Berry <cberry@tajo.ucsd.edu> Description: One of many ways to count the rows of a data.frame. Akin to 'sort | uniq -c' shell command License: GPL-3 LazyLoad: yes #+end_src
R code
- Each
#+begin_src R
block defines one or more functions. - The
header tells where to place the code
- count.rows function
count.rows <- function( x ) { order.x <- do.call( order, as.data.frame(x) ) equal.to.previous <- rowSums( x[tail(order.x,-1),] != x[head(order.x,-1),] )==0 tf.runs <- rle(equal.to.previous) counts <- c(1, unlist(mapply( function(x,y) if (y) x+1 else (rep(1,x)), tf.runs$length, tf.runs$value ))) counts <- counts[ c( diff( counts ) <= 0, TRUE ) ] unique.rows <- which( c(TRUE, !equal.to.previous ) ) cbind( counts, x[ order.x[ unique.rows ], ,drop=FALSE ] ) }
#+begin_src R :eval nil :exports code :tangle R/count.rows.R count.rows <- function( x ) { order.x <- do.call( order, as.data.frame(x) ) equal.to.previous <- rowSums( x[tail(order.x,-1),] != x[head(order.x,-1),] )==0 tf.runs <- rle(equal.to.previous) counts <- c(1, unlist(mapply( function(x,y) if (y) x+1 else (rep(1,x)), tf.runs$length, tf.runs$value ))) counts <- counts[ c( diff( counts ) <= 0, TRUE ) ] unique.rows <- which( c(TRUE, !equal.to.previous ) ) cbind( counts, x[ order.x[ unique.rows ], ,drop=FALSE ] ) } #+end_src
Rd help page markup
- There is usually one
#+begin_src Rd
block for each help page - Usually one page covers the package as a whole and other cover the functions and datasets it includes.
- count.rows
\name{count.rows} \alias{count.rows} \title{ Count \code{data.frame} rows } \description{ Counts the unique rows of a \code{data.frame} } \usage{ count.rows(x) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ Just a \code{data.frame} or \code{matrix} } } \details{ Basically, this function tries to be smart about counting rows. It relies on the \code{\link{order}} function and basic logic to do the heavy lifting. } \value{ A \code{data.frame} with a column named \code{counts}, all the olumns of \code{x} and the rows that would appear in \code{unique( x )}. } \author{ Charles C. Berry \email{ccberry@ucsd.tajo.edu } } \examples{ hec.frame <- as.data.frame( HairEyeColor ) hec.frame <- hec.frame[ rep(1:nrow(hec.frame), hec.frame$Freq ), ] hec.counts <- count.rows( hec.frame ) all.equal( hec.counts$counts, hec.counts$Freq ) hec.counts } \keyword{ manip }
#+begin_src Rd :eval nil :tangle man/count.rows.Rd \name{count.rows} \alias{count.rows} \title{ Count \code{data.frame} rows } \description{ Counts the unique rows of a \code{data.frame} } \usage{ count.rows(x) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ Just a \code{data.frame} or \code{matrix} } } \details{ Basically, this function tries to be smart about counting rows. It relies on the \code{\link{order}} function and basic logic to do the heavy lifting. } \value{ A \code{data.frame} with a column named \code{counts}, all the olumns of \code{x} and the rows that would appear in \code{unique( x )}. } \author{ Charles C. Berry \email{ccberry@ucsd.tajo.edu } } \examples{ hec.frame <- as.data.frame( HairEyeColor ) hec.frame <- hec.frame[ rep(1:nrow(hec.frame), hec.frame$Freq ), ] hec.counts <- count.rows( hec.frame ) all.equal( hec.counts$counts, hec.counts$Freq ) hec.counts } \keyword{ manip } #+end_src
- countRows-package
\name{countRows-package} \alias{countRows-package} \alias{countRows} \docType{package} \title{Count \code{data.frame} rows } \description{ Counts the unique rows of a \code{data.frame} } \details{ \tabular{ll}{ Package: \tab countRows\cr Type: \tab Package\cr Version: \tab 1.0\cr Date: \tab 2010-12-08\cr License: \tab GPL-3\cr LazyLoad: \tab yes\cr } There is only one function in this package, \code{count.rows} and it does what it says. } \author{ Charles C. Berry \email{cberry@ucsd.tajo.edu} } \keyword{ package }
#+begin_src Rd :eval nil :tangle man/countRows-package.Rd \name{countRows-package} \alias{countRows-package} \alias{countRows} \docType{package} \title{Count \code{data.frame} rows } \description{ Counts the unique rows of a \code{data.frame} } \details{ \tabular{ll}{ Package: \tab countRows\cr Type: \tab Package\cr Version: \tab 1.0\cr Date: \tab 2010-12-08\cr License: \tab GPL-3\cr LazyLoad: \tab yes\cr } There is only one function in this package, \code{count.rows} and it does what it says. } \author{ Charles C. Berry \email{cberry@ucsd.tajo.edu} } \keyword{ package } #+end_src
Tests and Tryouts
- As part of developing a package one must try out some code and perhaps develop some tests to be sure it does what it is supposed to do.
- Here is an easy-to-read tryout of the
function: - You may need to edit or delete the
call to suit your setup
#+begin_src R :session :results output :exports both .libPaths( new = "./Rlib") require( countRows ) simple.df <- data.frame( diag(1:4), row.names=letters[ 1:4 ]) repeated.df <- simple.df[ rep( 1:4, 4:1 ), ] simple.df count.rows( repeated.df ) #+end_src
Loading required package: countRows X1 X2 X3 X4 a 1 0 0 0 b 0 2 0 0 c 0 0 3 0 d 0 0 0 4 counts X1 X2 X3 X4 d 1 0 0 0 4 c 2 0 0 3 0 b 3 0 2 0 0 a 4 1 0 0 0
Version Control, Navigation, and setup tasks
list files for convenient navigation
- Use this if you do not use the
document to keep the master for the source code - It is useful when in a terminal window on a remote machine, and speedbar
is not a good option.
C-u C-c C-o
will open the file point is on.
#+begin_src R :results output verbatim :var cwd="." cat(paste("file:",list.files(cwd,".*",recursive=TRUE),sep=''),sep='\n') #+end_src
Speedbar navigation
- Use this if you do not use the
document to keep the master for the source code - Make speedbar stick to the package source directory by typing 't' in its frame after executing this block:
(require 'speedbar) (ess-S-initialize-speedbar) ;; uncomment this line if it isn't in ~/.emacs: ;; (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.Rd\\'" . Rd-mode)) (speedbar-add-supported-extension ".Rd") (speedbar-add-supported-extension "NAMESPACE") (speedbar-add-supported-extension "DESCRIPTION") (speedbar 1)
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results output silent (require 'speedbar) (ess-S-initialize-speedbar) ;; uncomment this line if it isn't in ~/.emacs: ;; (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.Rd\\'" . Rd-mode)) (speedbar-add-supported-extension ".Rd") (speedbar-add-supported-extension "NAMESPACE") (speedbar-add-supported-extension "DESCRIPTION") (speedbar 1) #+end_src
Version Control
- If you don't use svn, substitute the relevant version control command in each block in this section
- Each of these can be run by putting point on the headline then
C-c C-v C-s y
- Possibly add –username=<> –password=<> to the svn commands
svn list
- Show what files are version controlled
svn list --recursive
#+begin_src sh :results output svn list --recursive #+end_src
svn update
- Use at the start of each session to sync changes from other machines
svn update
#+begin_src sh :results output svn update #+end_src
svn commit
- At the end of a day's work commit the changes
svn commit -m "edits"
#+begin_src sh :results output svn commit -m "edits" #+end_src